Family Life Development Center records, 1974-2010.


Family Life Development Center records, 1974-2010.

Historical information, guides and manuals, booklets, teaching material, newsletters, reports, curricula, and drafts of a text on family life; includes five anatomical dolls formerly used in child abuse cases, and articles representing opposing opinions on the use of dolls and material from the Child Protective Services Training Institute. Also, videotapes of Professor James Garbarino appearing on television discussing youth and guns. Also seven DVDs and one leaflet relating to the conference: The Immigrant Child: Past, Present and Future which was put on by the Family Life Development Center in the College of Human Ecology in October of 2008. Joan Jacobs Brumberg was the project director. Also 13 DVDs of various presentations, including the Iscol Family Program for Leadership Development in Public Service.

20 DVDs.


SNAC Resource ID: 7917834

Cornell University Library

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Child Protective Services Institute. (corporateBody)

Garbarino, James (person)

New York State College of Human Ecology. Family Life Development Center (corporateBody)